Digital Yoga: A New Age Yoga for Digital India
Digital Yoga: A New Age Yoga for Digital India
On the profound suggestion of Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, the UN Assembly declared June 21 as International Yoga Day in 2014. And so since 2015, every year June 21 is celebrated as International Yoga Day.
Yoga exercises rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. There are countless Yoga Asanas which enhance your physical and mental well-being. The Yoga exercises benefit people of all ages, keeping them fit and healthy for lifetime.
Digital Yoga is the best way to practice Yoga wherever and whenever you feel comfortable. Online videos by qualified and experienced teachers, personal exercise guides, short clips by professional Yoga gurus, live streaming for Yoga asanas and meditation, audio Yoga lessons, office Yoga sessions, virtual reality Yoga on mobiles are some of the many forms of Digital Yoga. The videos can be downloaded and saved so that you can play them at your ease and the live sessions can be recorded and replayed at your leisure.
We at Bajaj Allianz introduced an innovative way to do Digital Yoga. All you needed was your phone! Our 360-degree panoramic images had arrows which you were supposed to follow by turning your phone in their direction.
Visit our Facebook page to experience the new age Yoga – Digital Yoga!
Health is wealth, but people often forget about health while chasing for wealth. Digital Yoga is for people who are as busy as a bee. It can help them regain their lost energy and build up a strong work-life balance. Besides numerous health benefits, with replenished energy levels and refreshed minds, people can achieve new heights in their professional career as well.
The theme for this year’s International Yoga Day is “Yoga for Peace” with an aim to spread awareness about the benefits of Yoga worldwide.
While we hope that you have geared up for actively pursuing Yoga, here are some tips to help you adopt this healthy habit without hurting yourself:
- Do not stretch beyond your limits right from the beginning. The teachers in the videos are experts, just follow their instructions and take your time to become a pro like them.
- Never exercise after you have had your meal. Digital Yoga does give you the freedom to choose a suitable time to practice the Yoga asanas, but listen carefully to your online guru about the do’s and don’ts before starting.
- Do not forget to keep a water bottle and a towel near you when you do Yoga.
- Do not keep your laptop (your digital guru) in an inconvenient position. Keep it at your eye level so that it is easier for you to see the poses clearly and to avoid any neck sprains.
- The technique of every teacher is different. Choose the one that best suits you.
Being healthy and fit is always the best, but we recommend that you should be prepared for any kind of unexpected medical emergency as well. Having an insurance policy to insure yourself and your family is the right step. Visit our website or talk to our representative to know about the various coverage options provided by our Health Insurance Policy.