Have a sibling? Let’s talk about the Pros and Cons

Have a sibling? Let’s talk about the Pros and Cons

Remember that time when you were the apple of your parents’ eyes and the center of their attention? Beautiful days! But then came along another little one, and suddenly your parents had more than one apple for their eyes, so to speak. You finally got used to this ‘alien creature’ and eventually started loving it.
Sibilings are our very first set of ‘friends’ and this love-hate relationship becomes integral to our lives. Since rakhi is around the corner, we thought of listing some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a sibling.
Pro – You grow up with a friend, someone is always by your side and more often than not you have a partner in crime.
Con – Life was amazing as a single child and then came along another being, who wanted attention too. WHY?
Pro – You get to play with their toys/games (nobody is ever too old for toys) and always have a partner to check out or play the latest game in the market.
Con – You have the moral obligation to share your toys too, sigh!
Pro – You always have someone to equally share the burden of your parents’ wrath.
Con – When they are responsible for bringing in the wrath!
Pro – You have access to another plate when there is a party at home.
Con – You are also their other, free-access plate.
Pro – Late night party? In-house bodyguard, watchman and chauffer.
Con – They act as double agents for your folks as well.
Pro – Your in-house man Friday, running all your errands.
Con – Dear God! When they start listing what they have done and suddenly you are ethically bound to return the favor.
Pro – If you both love pranking, you have just found the right partner.
Con – It’s nice when you team up and prank others not when you are a subject of their prank.
Pro – When it comes to boosting your morale or giving you the last minute pep talk nobody can do it better than your siblings.
Con – FIGHTS! A lot of World Wars were avoided because your parents intervened with the peace flag.
Pro – A constant friend for travel, movie partner, shopping partner the list is endless.
Con – The race for washroom, good side of the bed, better piece of the cake is as real as it gets.
Pro – They stand up for you, fight the world for you, biggest support system.
Con – So many how many bruises did you get while ‘practicing’ WWE moves on each other?
Siblings make our lives both beautiful and intolerable. We may love them, hate them, we definitely cannot ignore them. They add beautiful colors to our lives and are always there by our side as a friend, guide and protector. There cannot be a better gift than giving them the gift of protection this Rakhi. So look no further and look out for your sibling by gifting them the protection of our comprehensive motorhealth and travel insurance policies. To know more about each category visit our website and give the best form of protection to a very important person in your life.


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