How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Policy for Yourself

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Policy for Yourself

Know What to Consider While Buying a Personal Accident Insurance Policy

No, No, No! We will not start with products and features, which are widely available in the market today! We will talk about the TITLE in the same way an entrepreneur thinks before molding the idea into action! After all, it’s about “YOURSELF”, it’s about deciding the methodology of choosing the right cover from the insurance market.
It is very important to know the basic definitions and details about the various covers available. For example: We all have motor insurance. But how many of us know what exactly is covered under consumable cover or an engine protection cover.

4 Things You Must Remember While Buying Health Insurance
  1. Age: Age of the person is one of the major aspects to decide the premium. Lesser the age, lower will be the premium.

  1. Location: The zone where you stay defines the probable hospital expenses .It is thus advised to choose wisely. A sum insured of Rs. 3 Lakh might look adequate in a small town but it will not be enough if you are living in a metro.

  1. Sum Insured(SI)Needed: It is important to analyze the sum insured properly. It is advisable to go for a Floater SI in earlier age and Individual SI in older age. Also if you have two health insurance policies then it is advised to go for Individual- Floater combo.

  1. Ailment Specific Features: In today’s times when people suffer from lifestyle diseases, there are covers designed especially for them. So even if you happen to be suffering from diabetes, hypertension or heart ailments, it is certainly possible to cover them with ailment specific features.

Here is some quick advice for you to choose the appropriate health insurance cover:
  1. Take adequate cover depending on your family size.
  2. Always club critical illness, hospital cash and other available benefits to your base cover for compensation of non-payable losses.
  3. Opt for an health insurance when you don’t need it as in needful times, you will not be in a state of mind to buy it.
  4. Don’t depend on your employer’s mediclaim in this world of uncertainties.
  5. Don’t try to save a few bucks. Secure yourself from a financial blow incase of needful times instead.
  6. Keep note of covers and maximum limits.
  7. Declare preexisting diseases and opt for ailment specific covers.
  8. Keep increasing your SI with the increase in medical costs.
  9. Ask an insurance expert for advice.


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