Why you should choose insurance this Gudhi Padwa
Why you should choose insurance this Gudhi Padwa
Gudhi Padwa, is a festival of new beginnings, as it marks the onset of spring and also the commencement of New Year (according to Hindu calendar). Since this day is considered to be auspicious, people wait for this occasion to start new ventures, buy gold and make big purchases. Apart from material investment, it is also a good day to invest in insurance and guard your newly purchased or already owned assets including your health. Here, we elaborate on the categories to purchase and why:
Your home is your biggest investment and it is your duty to ensure that your home and its contents get the protection they deserve. At Bajaj, our extensive home policy, not only covers the structure of your home and the walls but it also covers the contents in it. Contents are not only limited to furniture, it also includes the nuts and bolts in your doors to the most expensive paintings and curious that your home contains. Our home insurance is one of a kind which provides public liability, ATM card loss, loss of rent and even dog insurance cover, apart from the compulsory (base) accidental and natural calamities cover.
This home insurance policy is an extensive and comprehensive policy that covers – home, contents, portable gadgets, jewelry, valuables and that’s why you should not even think twice before gifting your house a policy this Gudhi Padwa.
After home, the next precious investment is your vehicle. Opting for a policy that extensively provides coverage to your car is imperative because your vehicle is more prone to accidents, as it is on the road always. In Bajaj, the coverages include natural/man made calamities, personal accident cover, third party legal liability. Apart from these basic and important covers we also have add-ons in the form of 24*7 assistance, lock and key replacement cover, accident shield, consumable expenses, conveyance benefit, personal baggage etc.
Under the two wheeleryour family a health insurance policy this Gudhi Padwa policy our add on coverage includes, flat battery, spare keys, flat tyre, minor repairs, fuel assistance, taxi benefits, accommodation benefits, legal advice towing facility, etc. Apart from the aforementioned coverages we also offer attractive No Claim Bonus compensations.
Your vehicle can be old or new, they all qualify for such coverages. So without much ado, this Gudhi Padwa, give your vehicle the insurance guard that it is entitled to.
No investment is bigger than your health. Like the age old saying goes, ‘health is wealth’. If you’re not in your best form health wise, no amount of investment will make you truly happy. The life that we lead today is full of stress, we need to be extra cautious about our health. Even if we stay alert and take care of our health, any type of illness big or small, may strike us any time.
We can at least guard our pockets well in advance from the financial aspect, in the form of health insurance. Bajaj health insurancecovers, the widest range of procedures from ayurvedic to modern day treatments. And not just that, we have covers that range from bariatric surgery, maternity cover, organ donor expenses to preventive health benefits etc. Also, the floater policy enables you to cover your family members under a single policy. If you have your home/vehicle covered and not yourself, you’re not doing it right. As this festival marks new beginnings, young or old, gift yourself or your family a health insurance policy this Gudhi Padwa.
We hope you have a brilliant start to the year and stay safe and accident free throughout year. To know more about our insurance policies and policy wordings, please visit our website.