World No Tobacco Day
World No Tobacco Day
Addictions have engulfed humans around the world! Vices only cause trouble to an individual, more than anything else. At times the consequences could be instant and at other times they could surface after a lengthy period of time. The degree of the consequences can be as bad as fatal. One such ill-advised habit that has wrapped many individuals around the globe is consumption of tobacco. The two most common ways of tobacco consumption are through smoking and chewing tobacco.
The World Health Organisation introduced ‘World No Tobacco Day’ on the 31st of May, 1987. It has been observed 29 years since. The theme for World No Tobacco Day is ‘Tobacco – a threat to development’. On the completion of 30 years, we take a look at how tobacco consumption affects humanity around the world.
Nearly 6 million deaths are recorded every year as a direct result of tobacco use. Of these, around 600, 000 people are non-smokers and die due to direct exposure to second-hand smoke. India is no stranger to such deaths. The nation has around 11.2% of the world’s smokers which amounts to approximately 1 million people. Despite having introduced gory graphics on packaging and the constant rise in price, the number of casualties are increasing by the year.
Smoking is not only injurious to one’s health, it can also prove fatal to those subjected to being around a smoker. Tobacco use can lead to various forms of cancer, heart diseases and is a major threat to couples who wish to bear children. It is always best for one’s health to better be safe than sorry. Abstaining from this ill-habit can be challenging, but giving up on tobacco is the only way to stay healthy and not harm others around you. There can’t be any half measures when it comes to anything that has to do with one’s life.
While some of these bad habits may have been with you for years, there is still a second chance at your disposal. The journey to cleansing yourself and attaining complete fitness may not be easy. We may still fall prey to diseases or side effects that are caused by some of the habits we’ve developed over a course of time. During such needy times, a health insurance policy can be your financial aid. Take the help of this umbrella and avoid getting drenched by financial hits and worries that stem from them. Get yourself insured now!